Date: Tuesday, 11th December 2018
Time: 13:45 - 14:56
- Report
- Test report Reports, 380.61 KB
Agenda: Read the Agenda
The Cabinet will meet at SHIRE HALL, WARWICK on Tuesday 11 December 2018 at 13.45. Please note that this meeting will be filmed for live broadcast on the internet. By entering the meeting room and using the public seating area you are consenting to being filmed. All recording will be undertaken in accordance with the Council's Standing Orders. The agenda will be: 1. General 1) Apologies for Absence 2) Members’ Disclosures of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Members are required to register their disclosable pecuniary interests within 28 days of their election of appointment to the Council. A member attending a meeting where a matter arises in which s/he has a disclosable pecuniary interest must (unless s/he has a dispensation): • Declare the interest if s/he has not already registered it • Not participate in any discussion or vote • Must leave the meeting room until the matter has been dealt with. • Give written notice of any unregistered interest to the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the meeting Non-pecuniary interests must still be declared in accordance with the Code of Conduct. These should be declared at the commencement of the meeting. 3) Minutes of the meeting held on the 8 November 2018 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2018. 4) Public Speaking To note any requests to speak in accordance with the Council’s Public Speaking Scheme (see footnote to this agenda).